Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Gift


It may have been my birthday. 

Or Christmas morning. I can't recall the occasion, but the moment is forever etched in the six-year-old recesses of my mind. For a family of modest means, receiving a brand-new anything was momentous. Receiving a new bike, earthshaking.

This particular day, as it turns out, was especially momentous in retrospect, for I received three life-changing gifts in one fell swoop:

  • My very own first bicycle. 
  • The ability to ride it by myself.  
  • A life lesson from my dad that would forever steer the course of my life.

My first failure

The bike was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen besides my mother. I didn't know how to ride a bike but was determined to try. My step-grandfather, whom I barely knew, was visiting at the time with my blessed little Irish grandmother and offered to teach me. 

Having inherited the stature of Grandma Jean, I could barely even hold the bike. It felt like a tank. Granddad helped me board the beast and supported me while I got my feet situated. Breathlessly, I steeled myself for lift-off. 

The bike slowly rolled forward with Granddad walking beside me, firmly keeping me and the metal upright. Up and down the road we crawled. For the life of me, I couldn't keep the bike balanced on my own. Defeat reared its ugly head as Granddad began to tire.

Then Dad sauntered out the door.

My cool, disc-jockey father with the tight jeans, and wavy black hair strode confidently across the driveway. I adored him and believed he and Mom were invincible...especially together. 

Dad casually took over the reins. Relief washed over me. Granddad had tried, but Dad would know what to do. He always knew what to do.

I resolutely set my feet back on the pedals as Dad balanced the bike for relaunch. As before, we began rolling down the road, Dad holding me upright. 

He began to jog alongside the bike. We picked up speed until he was running with me. That was fun and a bit frightening. 

Then he gave me a push and let go.

He let go. Terror filled me. The act shocked me. 

Why did he do that? 

Panicked, I did the only thing that seemed reasonable at the moment. I pumped the pedals as fast as my my skinny legs would go. A few yards further, I realized I was actually upright and going forward under my own power. 

The fear left, blown away by elation.

My father accomplished what I couldn't do alone.

My dad was one of the most gentle men I've ever known. I would have trusted him with my life. His actions that day, though, seemed to contradict his nature and made me doubt him. His method appeared frightening, even reckless. He didn't explain himself. 

But he didn't have to. He saw what needed to be done and expected me to follow his lead. That sweet victory made it easier to trust in a greater Father and in His methods for the greater victories to come.

My beloved papa wasn't perfect, but he never made that claim. He just loved Jesus with his whole heart and loved his family unconditionally all the way to the end. He taught my brother and I to love God. He let us make mistakes growing up, learn how to accept the falls in life, and he never once let us go when crisis hit. He gave us everything he had, the greatest of which was his legacy of grace.

Today's dads have a hard row to hoe.

My precious husband of over fifty years, the father of our five children, is cast from the same mold. I watch with awe at how much he loves his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He cares for them; weeps for them; prays for them; gives toward their welfare without hesitation. As my mother would have said, he has a hard row to hoe. But he is always in his garden. 

Today's concept of fatherhood is tarnished by the shifting of cultural norms, family breakdowns, and the never-ending attacks from the enemy of our souls. Families are crumbling under the strain. Parents are broken. Children are hopeless.

Our Father in heaven sees it all, and He is hurting. He loves us desperately and longs for relationship with us. He watches the road for the prodigal's return and runs out to meet him. His methods of teaching us how to navigate life may be misunderstood, but He is worth trusting for the victory He relentlessly pushes us toward. Our earthly fathers, shadows of the Everlasting Reality, may not get it all right. 

But they deserve respect and love for the trying. Thank them for that. Lavish grace upon them...the same grace you want for yourself. 

 Happy Father's Day, Dads. You're the best. God bless you.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Where is Your Safe Place in a World Falling Apart?


In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth,
the gospel of your salvation – having also believed,
you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Ephesians 1:13

When the Thief Comes to Steal

In his book The Holy Spirit, Billy Graham tells the story of an English missionary who died in India during the early 1900’s.  Immediately his former neighbors broke into his home and pillaged it, stealing the man’s possessions.  The English Consul was notified, and the official went to the missionary’s home.

Since there was no knock on the door, the official simply pasted a piece of paper across it and affixed the seal of England on it.  No one dared to break the seal, because at that time, that seal represented the world’s most powerful nation.  The power of England stood behind a piece of paper on the door.

In the same way, when we are saved, the Holy Spirit takes up official residence within us – effectively “sealing” us for Himself by His power and authority.

The Greek word for “seal” means “to confirm” or “to impress,” and it is used three times in the New Testament in connection with believers.  This sealing represents two important concepts:  security and ownership.

An Irrevocable Decree

Sealing in the sense of security is illustrated in the sealing of Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6:17), and in the irrevocable seal of the king in spoken of in Esther 3:12 and 8:8. The Greek word is used in Matthew 27:65-66 to describe the Roman seal on Jesus’ tomb and is the same word used in other New Testament scriptures to speak of the seal of the Holy Spirit.  It meant that whatever was under that seal was not to be opened except by order of the king.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered 

This seal also signifies ownership.  In Jeremiah 32:10 we read that the prophet bought a piece of property, paid for it in front of witnesses, and sealed the purchase in accordance with the law and custom, making him the legal owner.

History tells us ancient Ephesus was a port city, carrying on an extensive trade in lumber.  A merchant looking for lumber would walk through the timber, select what he wanted, and stamp it with his own signet, or sign of ownership.  When he was ready for the lumber, he would send an agent with the signet to locate all the timber carrying his seal.  His agent would then claim and take all the lumber with the master’s mark on it back to the man who bought it.

In the East, a seal on a document was more important than the signature.  The signet used to imprint a seal usually sat in a ring and was inscribed with words or symbols. It often reflected an office of importance.  It was commonly pressed into clay, because of its resulting permanence, although wax was used, too.  Wax was not as desirable because it was prone to melt in the hot sun.  Clay hardened over time, so that the clay itself would actually have to break in order to break the seal.

We are the clay.  God is the master, and Jesus has bought us.

The imprint of God has been impressed into our hearts, sealing us by the authority of the Lord on High.  We are now His, under His protection.  The power of all heaven stands behind His mark.  He is sealed in us.  He can’t leave without breaking the clay and His promise to never leave or forsake us.  He is with us every step of the way as we walk through this world.

With this understanding, we can better appreciate the words of the Apostle Paul:

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

Not forsaken. Never alone. Under His guard.

Living as we are in a world falling apart moment by moment, God's power and love are the vault guarding us. In Him, and in Him alone, we can live in peace, secure in the safest place on Earth.

Do not fear, Beloved.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Pioneer Files: Fear of Flying, Wild Monkeys, and the Call to Courage


Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears.
 -Arthur Koestler

Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed,
for the LORD God, my God, is with you.
- 1 Chronicles 28:20

A cold sweat drenches my palms. Fear courses through me in jagged waves. My stomach lurches wildly as the panic ebbs and flows. I am falling, falling, falling.

I am not falling. It only feels that way as the plane jostles in mild turbulence as it skirts Hurricane Bertha. The year is 1996, and I'm on my first international flight to Brazil with my husband, pastor, and his wife.

Not only did I make it there without incident, we had a wonderful trip and returned safely back to the States two weeks later. Along the way I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, Bryce Canyon, and the night lights of Miami for the first time from the air. We flew above a lightning storm and watched the light show beneath us. Although it was in the dark, we flew over the city of Caracas, Venezuela, the Amazon River, and the Brazilian capital of Brasilia. We landed in São Paulo on a sparkling day twenty-eight hours after we flew out from the Spokane airport in Washington.

In Brazil we were introduced to its beautifully exotic land and people. We fed bananas to wild monkeys, swam in the Atlantic Ocean, sang worship songs in Portuguese, and drove over hair-raising roads traversing the country. We visited large cities and slums. We held the babies in an AIDS clinic. We wept and laughed and prayed with the wonderful people we met everywhere.

We returned home more thankful for all we have here.

What an amazing journey I would have missed had I given in to my fear of flying and stayed home!

Our family has been in some fearful places since then. God has always brought us through safely with a new understanding of His glory, richer for the losses we've gained.

Lately, doors have been closing and others have been opening. Fear once again sits on the doorstep, baring its ugly teeth and challenging us to pass by. We can stay with what is safe, known, near to the water line of our comfort level.

Or we can take that terrifying step into the skies.

Today the familiar feeling of falling has hit my insides once again. I'm not on a plane right now, but our lives have just entered the boarding gate. God's revving the engines.

Is God calling you out of the ordinary? Are circumstances driving you to the border of the unknown? How do you handle fear when God calls you out of your comfort zone?

Is faith or fear going to win today?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

When God Split History in Two: Pioneer Files


And He was saying to them all, 
“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, 
take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

- Luke 9:23

Most of us know the story of Easter.

Though its name is derived from a pagan ritual not remotely associated with Christianity, Easter is the yearly celebration of Christ's resurrection, swooping in each spring with a bonanza of chocolate bunnies, daffodils, dyed eggs, and budget-crushing baskets. The week is crowned by the traditional Sunday morning church service and Easter egg hunt. It's generally tinged with guilt over which family group to join for The Big Dinner and follows weeks of cantata practice after work. 

Slathered in the usual rounds of the holiday flu, it's still one big, happy celebration, more or less.

Oh, yes, don't forget the empty tomb. Jesus rose from the dead. Can we eat our chocolate bunnies now?

Have we heard the story too many times?

Though the plot tends to get lost in the hype, I really LOVE Easter.

When winter's cold yields to the call of the light, from the barren soil springs the miracle of new life. Each year the resurrection is shouted in glorious defiance of death's seeming finality:

Spring always comes.
Spring always comes.

Perhaps we've seen the Jesus movies, bathed in Hollywood God rays and special effects, one too many times. Perhaps we've heard the Biblical account in isolation from the rest of God's Word to the point it has become just that... a story. 

The ministry, sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is no fable, though. The bloody and supernatural reality of His first coming sent shockwaves throughout the world and split history itself into Before and After. 

Jesus is a man like no other, because He is one hundred percent human and one hundred percent God. The second person of the Trinity, He is described like this in the book of John: 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
- John 1:1-3;14

The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.
It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord.

- Matthew 10:24 KJV

Perfect man. Holy God. Did He really need to die?

He didn't have to come to save fallen humanity. He could have left mankind to its own devices after the fall in Eden. He is, after all, God. Father, Word, and Holy Spirit would have been totally justified to have walked away from this wayward planet and the creation that rejected Him. 

The perfect Creator loved his debased creation too much to abandon it. He knew the only way to destroy the works of the devil and redeem us from an eternity of separation from Him was by taking on the form of a man and offering the sacrifice for our sins.  
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross.

- Philippians 2:5-8

He paid a hellish cost, the one we earned, for the redemption He planned from the foundation of the world. 

...knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

- 1 Peter 1:18-20

The empty tomb is our story, too!

The moment Christ rose from the dead, He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Scriptures. All who believe in Him must follow the same path He trod. We are not meant to stand at the foot of the cross and mourn over His sacrifice. We are called to be "crucified with Christ" (Galatians 2:20). 

We are commanded to die to our own desires and be made new in Him.

Parents, grandparents, caregivers, and other believers in positions of trust especially hold a sacred duty to follow in the Master's footsteps. When the lives of the vulnerable and afflicted depend upon us, the precious and fearful mantle of the Savior falls upon our shoulders to die to self. 

All who desire to serve God must follow this path. The Apostle Paul declared:

...I die daily.

- 1 Corinthians 15:31

It was only his old, soulish man who died, though. The new and regenerate man was already reborn into eternal life. With Paul we, too, dwell in bodies that are decaying.

But that won't last.

One day, Jesus will return for His church, the Bride. The dead in Christ shall arise from their graves. The living believers will be translated to join Christ. Tombs around the world will be empty.

As we await His return, we rejoice in Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day. Every day of the year, though, we can shout the victory as we live out both the cross and the resurrection in our bodies.

Jesus is alive! He lives forever more! He will come back for us very soon.

He is risen. He is risen, indeed.

Can I hear an amen?

Break out the chocolate bunnies.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

"Free Range" Living Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be: Pioneer Files


Chickens are awesome. 

They're practically the perfect creatures. In exchange for food and water, they produce eggs for breakfast and great fertilizer for the garden. If they're "free range" chickens, they also provide bug control. Though they will peck each other to death, they're generally mild-mannered around humans.

Just don't fence them in. 

Poultry have a big problem accepting boundaries. They were hatched to be free and will exploit every weakness in your defenses for an opportunity to run amok through your flowers. They can dig under and fly over every fence known to man if given half a chance. If allowed to roam, they will ravage the herb garden, uproot up the new mums, rearrange the ground cover, transfer the new mulch from the flower bed to the driveway, and taste just a bit of each tomato on the vine - unless it a ripe one. 

That one they will devour.

They favor freshly-painted decks and door mats upon which to do their business, though they're not above depositing a little surprise in the grass for you to find when you go out at sunset to close them in. 

An enemy is always watching...

Our particular little flock of barred Plymouth rock hens love to dig under the fence separating their pen from the canyon behind us. They have hefty claws that make short work of a piece of property. If they break through, they will spend a lovely day harvesting the bugs and weed seeds in our neighbor's pasture until time to slip back under the fence at twilight. 

One sunny morning I heard a commotion at the hen pen. I ran out in my pajamas and robe to find they had once again escaped into the field. All except one were frantically scooting back under the fence into the pen, squawking in a cacophony of alarm. Another strange, louder shriek overrode their protests.

Then I saw it.

In the field, a red-tailed "chicken" hawk had one hen trapped against the fence separating our properties. 

I grabbed a nearby shovel we use for such emergencies and confronted him, yelling as I approached. 

He held his ground, wings outstretched to their limit as he met my challenge.

For a moment, I wavered. What if he turned on me?

It seemed there was no other way to save her. I advanced toward him, waving the shovel like a sword and shouting like a wild woman in my robe and slippers. As I got closer, I realized he didn't actually have the hen in his claws. He had her trapped between his legs as he gripped the wire on either side of her. 

Thankfully, he didn't call my bluff, finally relenting in a stir of wings as he flew off.

The hen lost no time finding her way back under the fence to safety.

Later, I examined her and found no sign of injury. 


 Boundaries protect us.

It's simply not safe for the chickens out of their pen in our neck of the woods. We've lost chickens to owls, hawks, and coyotes over the years. One year I discovered a coyote dashing across our deck with a hen in its mouth.  Chickens might not like being penned in, but we can't explain to them that we're keeping them safe. They don't understand our language.

Thankfully, we know the language of God.

One of the most sorrowful verses in the Bible is found in Jesus' moving words to the people in Matthew 23:27: 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.
How God longs to care for His people! He is neither harsh taskmaster nor uncaring judge. 
Chicks are fragile. They need just the right amount of warmth and nurturing to survive. If you've ever seen how a mother hen hovers over her chicks, you can understand the self-sacrifice and constant care it takes. 

God yearns to care for us in this same way. This care includes boundaries to keep us out of danger. Oh, how we chafe at the cage separating us from unbridled freedom! How we pull at the leash on our lives.
Is God unkind? Oblivious to our needs? A cruel slave master? 

If you've spent many decades in the yoke, thank heaven for that. If you never had the chance to sow your wild oats or run free, praise your Father in heaven. He has saved you many times over from your Self, and Self is the worst master of all. Self gratification is never satisfied and will keep you chained forever to the carrot dangling just out of your reach.  


Thank the Lord that He never abandoned you to the free range, where the landscape is filled with vipers and vultures. 

You are just where you belong. Learn to love and appreciate the wires barring you from destruction. Let God lavish His dreams and hope for you upon your tired heart. Rest under His wings. Find the rest in real freedom.